The first thing they revolutionized in architecture was the direction that one’s eye
travels. The Romans caused the eye to move up and down; the Italians decided to build their designs around horizontal and vertical components, which resembled human proportions. Traditional architecture was being thrown out the window, thus begins the RENAISSANCE.
>>>The Egeskov Castle in Denmark is an example of Renaissance architecture, but also it is a representation of how the eye travels across instead of up and down. Just one of many examples of stacking and layering in design.
- The second innovation to architecture began with Brunelleschi's Dome of F
lorence Cathedral. This structure was built using design elements that had never been utilized before. The Dome of Florence marked a huge stepping stone for Italy. A quote made by Leon Alberti, humanist scholar and theorist: "We discover unheard-of and never-before-seen art and sciences without teachers or without any model whatsoever." Brunelleschi was willing to think differently about architecture having no guide or blue print to follow. His design was pure inspiration, his interpretation of the outside world.....BUT isn't that what design is intended to be?
- The third advancement made during the Renaissance was Vitruvius's Ideal Form. His ideas were formulated through the guidance of Plato's book Philebus. This book d
iscussed how forms can be made simply by lines and circles, and in turn how these shapes are then viewed as three dimensional. Once again, Vitruvius conceptualized that "ideal systems of proportion...can be found in the perfect proportions of the human body." He formulated how the human body is essentially made up of shapes as well. This began a movement of architects using the human body proportions as a basis for design. Circles were highly utilized because the Romans believed the eternity of a circle represented the Deity of God. These architects used already existing forms to design completely new architectural concepts.